About Me

Growing up

I was born on the 13th floor of the Brighton Hospital on Septemer 5th 1984 as Laura Bianca Harré. A year later my parents decided to move to Uzwil in Switzerland, where my brother Thomas was born in 1986. When I was 3, we moved to North Carolina for

a year and then came back. Shortly after, I started Kindergarten in a peaceful and safe "quartier". As a 5 year old I attended a Swiss-German course and learnt the language quickly. I remember we had a long holiday in Australia visiting relatives all over the country.

I grew up living in a lovely house with a big garden next to the woods, with a small stream flowing through. I spent many exciting days exploring the woods with other children living in the "quartier", burrying treasures under stones, climbing trees, building huts in the woods and having tough battles against a rivalising "wood-gang" of elder children. We took prisoners, got captured and were tied to trees, escaped or were rescued by our own "wood-gang-members". Much to the concern of our parents we crawled through tunnels under the street to follow the stream, played games such as "who can lay down longest on the railway track before the train comes" and even got chased home by an angry farmer one day for crossing his fields. Luckily, I managed to get away and hid out in the woods until I saw him leave the house again. 



After 2 years of Kindergarten, I went to the regular 6 years of "Primarschule", followed by 3 years of "Sekundarschule". Because I could not decide what job I wanted to learn, I started the "Kantonsschule" in St.Gallen, which would have lead on to University. Allready on the second day, i skipped a lesson and it got a lot worse, up to the point where I would pop in twice a week (instead of six days a week) and only attend exams. The sports teacher did not even know I existed for the first 3 months, which all got me into quite a lot of trouble. As I still had excellent marks in most classes, the school wanted to persuade me to stay, but I quit after one and a half years. I was just fed up of going to school.



At 17, I left home to live with my boyfriend. I started working in a supermarket for a few months until I started my 3 year apprenticeship with the department of education of the canton St.Gallen. I graduated as the second best of the canton and received my Swiss federal vocational baccalaureate. I stayed with the education department for another one and a half years as assistant of a project manager, introducing a new business administration software for schools and training teachers on how to use it. In the meantime, I had terminated my 4 1/2 year relationship with an overly jealous, cheating and aggressive chauvinist and moved to my first own flat in beautiful Rorschach on Lake Constance. Every day when leaving my flat, I felt as if I was on holiday.

I got bored of my government job quickly and decided to apply for a job as purchasing assistant for Scapa AG (former Cellotape) in my new hometown. Not only did I get the job, I was also designated as SAP specialist for the company. 8 months later I was sacked along with 15 other colleagues. I spent 3 months looking for a new job and had a lovely holiday in Mexico before starting a new job as Marketing Manager and Assistant CEO with Hans Buff & Co. AG in Balgach, near Austria. I went to evening school for a few years to get degrees in marketing and stayed with the company for 6 years. In July 2013, I started my modelling career, first with "Schweizer Modelle", in the meantime I manage myself. Before leaving the company, I successfully absolved an online course as entertainer with the spanish company acttiv.net and got a job as fitness instructor and entertainer at the 4 star hotel "Riviera" in Benalmádena in the south of Spain. After half a year, I returned to Switzerland, and after some months of looking for a job, started working as Marketing Manager Switzerland for the global Nilfisk group in May 2015. I quit in March 2016 because of health issues and am currently in the rehabilitation clinic Oberwaid in St.Gallen.


I have been engaged to Daniel for over three years now and am very happy. We had known eacher other and been friends for over ten years, but both of us had been in other relationships and the subject had never risen, obviously. Some years passed without really seeing each other and just greeting each other when seen on the street. Then in february 2013, we coincidally met in a table dance bar in Rorschach, which is very popular during the carneval season "Fasnacht" and had ever such a funny evening, running home in the rain to get a jacket and back and became close friends. We would often meet and talk for hours in the garage, as I was in a difficult relationship, which I then finally terminated. We remained friends, and spent most of our free time together. Apparently the attraction was obvious for all around us, because everyone kept asking us if we were a couple, which we denied. As time passed, we felt more and more attracted to each other, but neither of us said a word. Then on July 4th, Daniel invited me out for a meal, as he was going to Pula, Croatia for four weaks with his mum. He asked me to dress nicely and invited me round to his house for a drink first. I dressed in a black diamond dress and high heels and went to his place, where his mum and him were waiting for me all excited with prosecco filled with strawberries on the balcony. What a nice way to celebrate going on holiday, I thought and wondered if they always did this. His mum took our picture on the balcony, which I thought was a bit weird, but it seemed to be the croatian way of parting for some weeks, which I was happy to go along with. When Daniel's mum asked me if she should prepare the couch so I could sleep there, I found it a bit over the top as it only took me 15 minutes to walk home. I asked to put my handbag in Daniels room, but he jumped up and shouted "no, don't go in there!" so vigorously I assumed he had a huge mess in there and was a bit put off.

After the aperitif we set off down the road to the "Seerestaurant", a lovely place right on the lakeside, where we often went for a drink and where Daniel's parents got married. We were welcomed with handshakes, backpatting, hugs,  kisses and a broad grin from Dino the waiter, which made me think he might be drunk. Dani had a quick chat with him and then led me to a nicely decorated table with a beautiful bunch of flowers and candles on it. I was heading for a chair when he suddenly charged in front of me, as if to take my seat, which I thought was a bit off, until I realised he was holding the chair ready to seat me. How sweet! We sat down and started looking at the menu, when Daniel suddenly jumped up and called out "No, this is wrong, we have to have an aperitif!" What strange behaviour, we had just had an aperitif at his place! But Daniel insisted we get up and sit in the lounge right next to our table, where we had spent many nights talking and drinking. I was beginning to think he was out of his mind, but since it was his last evening before going to Croatia and this whole saying-goodbye-procedure seemed to be immensly important to him, I obediently ordered a glass of white wine, wondering how on earth I was going to survive this weird evening. Daniel seemed ever so nervous, kept fiddeling with his coat and was not really concentrating on what I had so say. I looked around the room and out the window at the lake and when I looked back to him, he pulled a small box out of his inner coat pocket, dropped on his knee on the floor and proposed to me! We had not even kissed before this moment! He told me that we could not risk leaving me alone for four weeks without asking me to be his wife, because he might miss his last chance to ask me. I was overwhelmed and said yes! The whole restaurant applauded as we kissed for the first time.

Three weeks later I joined him in Croatia and we have been to many places together since then: The  Dominican Republik, Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Venice, Munich, a Wellness Hotel in Austria, Egypt and back to Croatia every summer. We plan to do a lot more travelling together and are ready to explore the world.


My Mum died of cancer in 2008. My Dad remarried a lovely woman from Shanghai. The two of them love to travel and are very active.
My two year younger Brother is married and has two small children. 
All my other relatives live outside of Switzerland.


I love to travel and explore new places, and am very interested in history, cultures and foreign traditions. 

Reading is one of my favourite hobbies, I adore Lee Child, Tom Clancy and David Baldacci. I also love music and dancing.

Sport is very important to me. I enjoy Muay Thai kickboxing, swimming, running, rollerblading and especially exercising outside and aqua gym.

As relaxation techniques I practice Qi Gong, Yoga and Autogenic Training.

Food and Drink is very important to me and I enjoy eating out in a nice atmosphere.