My Adventures in Spain

An amazing story

In 2014, I worked and lived in Benálmadena, Andalucia for six months. I was an Entertainer in the fourstar hotel "Riviera". During the day, I encouraged the guests to join in with all kinds of sports activities and in the evening, I presented our evening program, containing professional singers, dancingperfomances, comedians, magicians and others. On one of these evenings, I got to know Selene, a singer from Ukrania, but living in Spain for many years. She was a pre-act of the Gaucho-Show, and I loved listening to her songs. We felt an immediate connection and became friends. 

Selene and me spent many hours on the beach, laughing and telling each other about our lifes. One evening, I was invited to a Russian barbeque at her house and met lots of lovely relatives, prepared Swiss "Käseschnitten" (cheesy bread slices) for them to try and got to know the tradition of drinking vodka shots on every possible occasion, followed by bites of delicious food and more vodka. What a night!

When I went back to Switzerland, we stayed in contact, sending each other messages and pictures and calling each other on the odd occasion. I was interested to hear Selene was getting on well with her music projects and visited her in June 2016. I knew she had just finished her first video for her song "Corazón Látino". Then what a suprise! Selene had waited for my arrival to let me be part in the video. She had one day of video shooting left. I was introduced to Yanina, who also participated in the clip and who is a fotographer. A part from joining in in the videoclip I was offered a fotoshooting with fotoyani. Here are all the pictures from the shooting on the beach and the making of the video. Also coming out soon is Selene's second song "Laberintos" - and guess who's on the titelpicture...


See the pictures here

If I was a bird, I would rise as high as I could, knowing that I might burn my wings if I get too close to the sun. And I would burn my wings. And I would do it again, this time knowing how close I can fly to harmlessly admire the sun’s amazing beauty and experience ist wonderful warmth and light. And I would let all fellow birds know it is safe to follow me to the sun.